Lea K. Tawd did some of my favorite kind of cleaning out last year. She cleaned out obligations and associations that were taking her away from the work she was meant to do in this world, and the payoffs increase as her income streams multiply. She unlocked the secrets to a more abundant money mindset.
In our conversation Lea and I talked about what she eliminated in 2020 that allowed her to dive deeper into her creativity and step into her art business more fully. We discuss the book she wrote, how she structures her days as a mom with a 6-year-old who has to show up for the virtual classroom, and how she quickly replaced the income from an outside source she had been holding onto out of fear.
Lea K. Tawd shares her journey in art, motherhood, and self-care. (1:57)
Getting back on track when you’re feeling off-centered. (6:02)
Lea recounts the various income streams of her pre-pandemic artwork. (11:10)
What happens when you stop doing the work that you are afraid to let go of? (14:40)
How to clean out old obligations in order to turn your ideas into an income stream. (17:44)
Creating spaces, rituals and schedules that will increase your energy. (21:19)
Lea shares the ways that increasing her focus has also increased her income. (23:50)
Advice for letting go of an income stream that you don’t love. (27:58)
How to overcome a big, scary thing so that you can do the work you want to do most. (29:26)
Cultivating the relationships that will support you through the hardest times. (33:17)
Lea shares what is currently holding her attention in the studio. (34:27)
Intro and outro music by Wildermiss
About My Guest
Lea K. Tawd is an author, mixed media artist and Reiki master teacher. She seeks out the beauty in every woman and uses that vision to create mixed media art that inspires and heals. The finished pieces are a Utopian vision of inner beauty manifested that serve as a reminder to take care of yourself, to find moments of peace, kindness, and self-love. Lea often paints directly on wood, so the wood grains help to inform the finished piece. As a Reiki Master Lea uses Reiki in the creation of her art and combines the two to help others find deep inner healing and recover their creativity in private sessions, workshops, and retreats.
First posted: https://artbizsuccess.com/money-breakthrough-tawd-podcast
Let’s do this together: https://artbizsuccess.com/community
Music by https://wildermiss.com
Kelly and I scheduled our conversation to discuss her "life edit," which involved getting rid of what no longer served her. It quickly became apparent that ridding herself of stuff when she had to downsize her studio is something she had been preparing herself for in the many years leading up to that moment.
This conversation is about coming out on the other side of a long struggle stronger than you were previously. Join us as we celebrate the triumph of one artist's positive spirit, discover the tools she used to facilitate the process, and hear about the people she relied on along the way.
Kelly Milukas reflects on her journey from athletics to music and to art. (1:57)
Kelly works with scientists and starts researching stem cells for a commission for a biopharmaceutical company. (8:30)
A shift in health can create a shift in focus for any artist. (12:15)
Embracing the tools that are available to you can help you get through anything. (16:52)
Forging through the messy middle to come out stronger on the other side. (21:26)
Can 17 seconds or a deeper breath change your mindset? (25:23)
How to know when to power through and when to pull back. (28:55)
The power of giving yourself permission to feel your biggest emotions. (32:48)
Cleaning out physical objects to move your art business forward. (34:50)
Creating an organized studio that works for you on any budget. (41:10)
A look inside all that is keeping Kelly busy in her new studio. (45:00)
Full show notes including photos and listener comments
Intro and outro music by Wildermiss
First posted: https://artbizsuccess.com/stronger-milukas-podcast
Let’s do this together: https://artbizsuccess.com/community
Music by https://wildermiss.com
If you are ready to deep clean your art business, to release what isn’t serving you and banish all that is getting in the way of your productivity and creativity, then you won’t want to miss the insights and inspiration from these successful artists.
April is the month to focus on cleaning out your art business. (0:01)
Is there one single best way to get organized? Heather Powers says no. (2:23)
Tips to help you get started on cleaning out and organizing your spaces. (6:09)
Redefining your relationship with things so that you can let go. (10:41)
How to prepare your studio for a big move. (14:50)
Take control of your business so that it works for you, even if it means emptying out your galleries. (19:16)
Control your income by controlling your inventory. (23:29)
Connecting with buyers outside of the galleries. (27:02)
Releasing old work so you can focus on what is most meaningful. (28:21)
Increasing your creativity begins with cleaning out the cobwebs. (34:32)
Intro and outro music by Wildermiss