We think we have to post more, research hashtags, invest in advertising, create a lead magnet, learn to write better copy, or forget about a restful night's sleep. It’s true that you probably do have to do some of those things in order to attract more followers and subscribers, but you might also benefit from being open to doing things a little differently to increase those numbers.
In this episode, I talk with Trudy Rice about how she has grown her Instagram and email list by cross-promoting other brands. Trudy uses a platform called Ampjar, but the underlying lesson is to find like-minded people and share each other's art, products, and services. Trudy refers to this as “shouting them out,” and in our conversation, she highlights what it takes to get set up with the service, and how it has impacted her success in a major way.
Trudy Rice details her Australian flora and fauna art, teaching, and other current projects. (2:13)
Taking original prints and paintings to a homewares line. (4:28)
Quantifying the growth of a successful art business through a variety of income streams. (6:18)
The primary systems and marketing channels Trudy uses for her sales. (8:25)
Details about the Ampjar mailing system and the karmic aspect to shout-outs. (11:37)
The algorithms behind the Ampjar shout-out system. (13:57)
How to systematically simplify the process of promoting your business. (17:39)
Prompting other artists while promoting yourself. (21:16)
The variety of brands that Trudy promotes through Ampjar. (22:18)
How to connect with new and international audiences through shout-outs. (23:57)
Tracking the success that has come by integrating new systems. (26:08)
The importance of collaborating with other artists with any system that works. (29:23)
How to do the work once and benefit from it over and over again. (30:17)
Trudy shares her project and collaboration plans for 2021. (33:35)
Intro and outro music by Wildermiss
First posted: artbizsuccess.com/karma-rice-podcast
Let’s do this together: https://artbizsuccess.com/community
Music by https://wildermiss.com